Essential Skills
When you examine your professional interactions, where are your communication gaps?
We can help you acquire and strengthen the following essential interaction skills in customized sessions from 2 hours to 2 days:
Acquire relationship building listening skills
- balance talking and listening
- be present and responsive
- ask effective questions to uncover issues
- project openness and interest
Understand communication style differences
- assess your style and how you impact others
- determine the styles of others
- strategize your approach
- balance your needs with the needs of others
Manage demographic challenges
- understand and challenge your subconscious assumptions
- overcome gender, age and cultural barriers and biases
- strengthen your emotional intelligence and empathy
- balance your instinctive behaviors with greater awareness
Solve problems and build consensus
- manage the discussion process
- uncover the real problems, not just the symptoms
- share ownership of action steps
- generate results, not just lip service
Craft targeted messages to influence others
- plan your approach
- diminish resistance
- build a persuasive case for your ideas
Respond to challenging questions
- use empathy to connect with questioners
- answer concisely
- link responses to the interests of others